
Hours of Operation
Monday–Saturday: 0700–0200
Sunday: 0800–0200
24-Hour Operation as needed to accommodate our military personnel
North Terminal, Terminal B
We are now located on the second floor just outside the exit portals.
Courtesy Room Telephone
(315) 455-3440
General Email
Mailing Address
Gregory J. Harris Military Courtesy Room
5701 East Circle Drive #335
Cicero, NY 13039
Staff and Board Members Contact Information
Pat Lyons
Cell: 315-345-8474
E: pglyons@verizon.net
Randi Matousek
T: 315-391-4123
E: rmatous1@twcny.rr.com
Wendy Shoen
T: 315-256-6519
E: wendyann57@yahoo.com
Joanne Columb
T: 315-436-4025
E: jocolomb@aol.com